Tag: younglives

A Summer Mission Trip Opportunity at YoungLives Camp

Experience Graphic 600x600pxFor the second summer in a row, our family will be serving at YoungLives Camp this June and we would love for you to join us. I am the child care admin for our camp for teen moms in the Texas Hill Country, so Jed and the kids join me at Camp Buckner to help give pregnant and parenting teenage girls from all over Texas and surrounding states an incredible week of summer camp with their babies. YoungLives is part of Young Life, an international Christian youth outreach ministry that Jed and I have both been involved with for over 15 years. We actually met at a Young Life camp in North Carolina called Windy Gap.

We love getting to be a part of kids hearing the Gospel at camp, and would like to invite you to come and serve with us. In order to run camps for teen moms, we need LOTS of child care volunteers to help take care of the babies. Camp starts June 6, and we still need over 30 volunteers for each week at Camp Buckner. Would you consider giving a week of your time to rock a sweet baby or chase a toddler so their mama can learn that she has a Father in heaven who loves her and her baby?

Teen moms often face a lot of obstacles and have a lot of odds stacked against them. At camp we help give them the tools they need to be the mom they want to be AND share God’s love with them. Watch the video below, and consider joining us this summer. If Texas is too far, check out the other service opportunities at YoungLives camp weeks across the U.S. For more information and to apply to serve this summer, check out the YoungLives Experience here.

YoungLives Experience from lisa fiedler on Vimeo.

Thankful Thursday II

I am reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and it is slowly changing my perspectives on what it means to be thankful every day.  I have started keeping a list of the gifts I’m thankful for both big and small, so that I can take time to really appreciate them.  I plan to share parts of that list with you here on the blog, and hope that you will share some of your gifts with me as well.  When I hear things that others are thankful for, it helps me to see even more gifts in my own life.  What are gifts?  Anything, no matter how small, that blesses your life.  I believe that every gift comes from God, and even if you don’t agree you can still appreciate the good things in your life with thanksgiving.  I usually make a list of things I’m thankful for during the Thanksgiving holiday with my Young Life, YoungLives, and WyldLife kids every year.  Reading this book has made me start to do this daily, instead of waiting for the holiday.  I have been so surprised by the joy it has brought me and the increase in contentment with my life.  
Here’s a few things on my list this week:
holding hands with my husband while driving, praying, on the couch, anytime
fundraising and friendraising at the Lakewood Young Life Banquet
pumpkin spice lattes
our house full of YL kids and leaders watching the World Series
What are you thankful for this week?  
Please share.  

Young Life – Why do we do it?

If I could sum up my job for you, and why I do it in ten minutes or less, this would be it. If you have ever wondered about Young Life, check it out. If you are a current or former YL leader, watch it and be encouraged.