If you are a faithful reader here on Bare Feet on the Dashboard, you’ll know that I’ve been involved with Young Life ministry in many different capacities over the years. I stepped away from a full time role in ministry four years ago, and this blog that was just a hobby became a way to provide for my family and fill in the gap in our income made by leaving my full time job. It was truly a gift from God, and the success of this blog was truly God’s provision for my family. Thank you all for being part of that journey. Every page view and link clicked helps us, and we greatly appreciate you. I never set out to be a career blogger, but I found myself with an accidental full time job here on the blog. Things became overly commercialized, and with every paid advertising post a little bit of the joy was sucked away. This blog became something I never wanted it to be.
Towards the end of last summer, I knew that God was pushing me to shift my focus from working on this blog to working part time for Young Life again. Though I’d had a seasonal part time job with Young Life over the last few years, this new job would require more of my focus and attention year round. While I was sad about setting aside this space I’d worked so hard to build, the ministry of YoungLives (YL’s outreach to teen moms) captured my whole heart and ignited my passion. By December I knew it was time to let go of the blog completely. I walked away completely for three months. I don’t know whether or not my voice here was missed, but I felt like my subscribers and followers deserved an explanation.
I will still post here occasionally, but I promise it will only be when I am truly moved to write by joy, passion, or need. The content on the blog will stay up as long as it makes financial sense to continue to pay hosting fees. We no longer depend on the blog for income, and the freedom that brings is unbelievable. I will still be sharing about our life – mostly on Instagram. Please feel free to follow our adventures there @barefeetonthedashboard. Thanks for being part of our story.