Tag: environmentally friendly

How to Kill Fire Ants without Harsh Chemicals

How to Kill Fire Ants without Harsh Chemicals

Living in Texas, we are constantly on the lookout for fire ants. Their bite is vicious and the wound can last weeks without proper treatment. Every time I see a fire ant mound starting to form in our yard or public parts of our neighborhood, I treat it. Through research and trial and error I’ve learned how to kill fire ants without harsh chemicals. That way I can go to battle and win against the little tyrants without damaging the environment or putting my kids at risk.

Why do I hate them so much? Last year our daughter wandered in to a pile of fire ants and was stung over 30 times in a matter of seconds. It was horrible, and had we not gotten them off of her in time she could have died. One wrong step led to days of misery for my sweet girl, and a very traumatic time for her mama. Read on to find out how we annihilate fire ants in our area and keep them away.


Easy Ways to Green Your Home

Easy Ways to Green Your Home

Creating an environmentally friendly home can seem like a daunting task. There is always something more we can do to decrease our home’s footprint and lower our damage to the environment. How do we start down the path to green living without being intimidated by all that needs changing? At our house, we make one simple change at a time. Today I’m sharing a few simple and easy ways you can start to green your home in honor of Earth Month. Join in the conversation in the comments section or on my Facebook page here.


Eight Natural Bathroom Cleaning Hacks

In our quest for a green lifestyle, we’ve tried lots of different things. Some worked for us, some didn’t. We love cloth diapers, but as hard as I tried I just couldn’t get used to a menstrual cup. We switched almost entirely over to reusable microfiber cleaning cloths, but I just can’t make the switch to using cloth baby wipes. Getting started with essential oils has opened up a whole new world of natural solutions for our home, and I know I’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. Today I’m sharing eight super easy and eco-friendly cleaning hacks to help get your bathroom sparkling clean without using harsh chemicals or creating waste. I’m joining my amazing team of Oil Explorers to share our favorite tips for spring cleaning using natural products.

8 Great Natural Bathroom Cleaning Hacks
