34 pounds 6 oounces
His favorite thing to do is help Daddy work around the house.
We are so proud of our big boy and love him more every day.
He is so curious and aware of his surroundings. He tries to touch and grab everything, then stick it in his mouth. We’ve had a few messes caused by curious little fingers.
Today our boy is five months old, so I’m officially a month behind. Here he is at four months. Don’t you just want to squeeze him? A random lady at the Texas State Fair asked how many tickets it would cost to take a bite of those baby thighs. I was a bit creeped out, but still flattered.
Fisher is growing and changing and doing new things every day. He is laughing and really responding to us now. He discovered his feet and likes to chew on his toes. He has started soothing himself by sucking on his thumbs and sometimes his whole hand.
At his four month check up he weighed 18.2 pounds, putting him in the 95 percentile for weight. We’ve come a long way since our breastfeeding crisis at 2 weeks old. He is still exclusively breastfeeding and I would say it is working pretty well.
His eyes are still blue with hints of grey and green. As a brown eyed girl married to a blue eyed boy, I hope his eyes stay blue like his daddy’s.
He is losing his soft baby hair and has a wicked mullet developing in the back. It is still super cute. New hair is starting to come in on top and I think it looks a lot lighter. His daddy and I were both blonde as kids (Jed still is) so I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns a lot lighter.
At his check up he measured at 25 1/4 inches long, in the 75 percentile. He also measured off the charts for cuteness.
He has started really grabbing things this month, so we are having to be more careful. He likes holding on to his toys and then putting them straight in his mouth. I bought him an exersaucer (we call it his office) at a consignment sale, and he loves it. I bring it into the kitchen while I’m cooking and he plays happily. He is also loving his Bumbo chair right now.
Welcome to the world, Fisher Scott Eby. We are so excited that you’re here. Our boy is 7 1/2 weeks old now, and we are getting the hang of parenting him a little more each day. It has taken me a little while to be ready to tell this story. I did not have the birth I planned or expected, and for some reason I needed to mourn the loss of that for a little while. As my due date approached, everything was looking good. I had been 3-4 cm dilated for weeks and almost completely effaced. Because Fisher was measuring large, my doctor wanted to induce before my due date. I wanted to wait until a few days after, and she respected that decision, but didn’t want me to wait very long. We negotiated for 3 days after the due date.
On May 31st we went in for our induction at 8 am. They told me not to eat, but I’ve never been a rules kid so we hit Chick-fil-a on the way. I researched eating during labor and saw that the only reason they tell you not to is because of the slim chance of an emergency c-section, and if in case of c-section the slim chance you will have to put under general anethesia. Jed made me confess to the nurse that I had eaten (he is such a rules kid), and the only consequence was that I had to wait until noon to be eligible for an epidural. So glad I ate those chicken minis.
I wanted to try to birth without meds, but knew it would be difficult with pitocin contractions. When we arrived I was 4 cm dilated and totally effaced. I started progressing well and held off the epidural until around 1. The reason I went for it was that I had my sister and brother-in-law in the room (who are a nurse and doctor) reading the monitor and telling me the strength of the contractions. I could handle them ok where they were, but knew they would be getting worse. Once back labor started I was ready for some meds.
My doctor offices 2 floors below labor and delivery, so she was in and out all day which was unexpected and awesome. Fisher was flipped sunny side up which makes for a difficult delivery, so she tried to turn him twice. This was not fun. Seriously not fun.
After laboring from 10 until 5:30, I was at 10 cm and ready to push. Fisher was still facing up so I knew I had a hard road ahead. My doctor, our awesome nurse, my mom, sister, and Jed were all in the room. I pushed with everything I had for 2 hours without much progress. Fisher moved only from a -2 to a -1. My doctor was concerned but knew I wanted to avoid a c-section so she let me push a further 30 minutes. I have never worked so hard in my whole life. My epidural wore off for the most part after 1.5 hours of pushing, and the back labor was like no pain I’ve ever experienced. My sweet sister was my doula and massaged my back throughout the pushing while Jed and our nurse held my legs. My doctor allowed me to try several different positions (all fours, on my side, etc) but nothing worked. After 2.5 hours of pushing and no movement, my doctor broke the news that I would have to have a c-section. She didn’t want to attempt to use forceps or a vacuum because he was stuck behind my pelvis and his shoulder would almost certainly break. I agreed to a c-section and the wheels went into motion. I was calm and had a peace about it, but it was pretty scary for Jed.
Because my epidural had stopped working a new had to be put in, but it didn’t work either. Finally after 45 minutes of trying to get me numb the doctor had to use local and light general anesthesia. This freaked Jed out because I had eaten a few Luna bars throughout the day (so not a rules kid). Thankfully Fisher was not in distress so they were able to wait for me to be numb. The c-section went well and Jed was handed our beautiful baby boy at 8:56 pm, just 13 hours after arriving at the hospital. He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz, and was 19 in long.
This is our first family photo. I am totally out of it, but so relieved to have a healthy baby. I just knew he was a boy the whole pregnancy. 🙂
Our sweet friends and family were in the waiting room for hours so they could meet our boy. They are awesome.
Happy Father’s Day to all the daddies out there, and especially to my own sweet daddy and my wonderful husband. I love you both and am so grateful to have both of you in my life.