In the name of Christmas card photos, I coerced my family out in to a field at our favorite hiking spot dressed in coordinating clothing while I snapped 1,276 frames trying to get a few usable ones for our cards. My precious Pearl Girl is wearing the most darling little dress from my new favorite local shop. I am in love with Olive Mae Clothing, a Plano based store featuring gorgeous handmade clothes for little girls designed and sewn in the back of the shop and sold in the store and online here.
The Bear is covered in dirt and Pearl Girl is trying to climb out of Daddy’s lap, but we got one with everyone looking and smiling. Victory! We hope your Easter is filled with joy and peace and family. Love, Team Eby
Babies + Baskets + Bluebonnets = Easter in Texas
Celebrating new life in our risen Lord today. He is risen, indeed!
Ellie and me on our recent trip to Galveston Island
I’m sure you’ve heard by now about the collision of a ship and barge in Galveston Bay that resulted in a tragic oil spill. I wrote this post after the last major oil spill in the gulf, and here we are again. I am heartbroken, as I’m sure many of you are. I am a life long lover of the beach and I wept as I watched the news of oil spreading in to the Gulf of Mexico, threatening migratory birds at the height of their season, killing countless animals, and destroying the beautiful shores of our Texas beaches. The careers of fishermen and the tourist industries of the gulf towns are at risk, and the environmental effects will be felt for decades.
I hate it, yet we continue to drive gas guzzling SUVs and support this nation’s dependence on the very substance causing the tragedy. I cannot go and help today, but if you live in the bay area you can. Anyone can donate to the relief effort. Volunteer, donate, or report oil sightings here with the Galveston Bay Foundation. I hope that something can be learned from an environmental disaster of this magnitude and our collective national mindset will begin to move away from our oil addiction.