“I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, O Lord,
make me dwell in safety.”
Psalm 4:8
I’ve struggled with insomnia off and on throughout my adult life. So often it comes from a lack of peace and trust in God. I lie awake fearful about something I want desperately to control, and refuse to let go of it. This week my prayer is for peaceful rest in the Lord. I want to hand over my worries to Him every day and every night. I can’t control anything, and worry only makes me trust less. If this is a struggle we share, pray with me this week, and lean on this scripture with me this week.
Prayer for the week:
Father God, I love you so much and I want so desperately to trust you completely. Give me peace as I rest, and help me to be confident that I am resting in your arms. Help me to trust that your plans are the best for me and for my family, and to know that you alone are my rock and the only one who can make me dwell in safety. Amen.