Fall is my favorite. It might be 90 degrees outside in Texas, but we will set our babies in pumpkin patches and drink pumpkin drinks and eat pumpkin treats anyway, dang it. One of the fabulous things about DFW is that even though we live in a giant metroplex, there are a ton of rural areas close by. The Owens Farm is actually smack in the middle of Richardson, and is the original farm started by the Owens family of tasty sausage fame. Sadly, the Bob Evans company that now owns the farm is closing it in November. This was our last shot to visit the farm we drive past nearly every day.
The Bear was in farm heaven. He loved it all. The horses, goats, mini horses and donkeys, chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, and plethora of pumpkins all captured his imagination and he ran around with wild abandon.
The Owens Big Orange Pumpkin Farm runs through the end of October and costs $7 on weekends and $6 on week days per person. On week days you may run in to field trips, but you get a pumpkin with your admission price. On the weekends you get a hot dog instead of a pumpkin. I tried to negotiate for a pumpkin instead, but they said no. It is a fun day out, but not exactly frugal. We thought Bear would get in for free because he is 2, but found out at the gate they charge for 2 and up. We still had a blast, even though Jed and I were a little frustrated about the unexpected cost.
Do you like to visit a pumpkin patch with your family? Where is your favorite one located?
Don’t forget I have a great list of fall festival corn maze and pumpkin patch discounts posted here.
I must share your definition of gender neutral. Etta rocked a red version of those stripey overalls on our family pumpkin patch outing this week. I grew up in Osh Kosh overalls, and my girls will too. People always think mine are boys, even when they have on pink dresses, and my theory is it’s because bows on baby girls are ubiquitous in the South, so people look for the bow, and seeing none, assume boy without looking too closely at outfits.