Month: October 2014

Top 10 Fun Family DIY Halloween Costumes

Ten Fun Family DIY Halloween CostumesWe love to dress up for Halloween with a family theme every year.  Dressing as a family unit makes for fun photos and precious memories. I’ve gathered my top ten favorite family Halloween costume ideas to share with you. They all include a little DIY on your part, but are all super easy to throw together. Several are ideas we’ve done as a family, while others I’ve gathered from awesome creative bloggers. For fun ideas to get help you get more use out of your Halloween costumes you can read more about how we encourage pretend play and throw costume dance parties. Read on and find inspiration for your family this Halloween.


When Someone You Love Makes Bad Choices

when someone I love makse bad choices

When someone you love makes bad choices, it wrecks you. Every part of your life is affected as you try to do damage control, fix it, cry, pick up the pieces, and pray. Life seems to stop momentarily with every crisis and you wonder how you got to this place again through no fault of your own. How do I know? Two adult members of my family are constantly getting in to trouble and I am watching it damage their lives and our family helplessly. On top of that, over a decade of ministry to hurting kids who struggle and fall and make terrible decisions has broken my heart a thousand times.

I am not a perfect person. I make wrong choices every day. We all do. This is not a self righteous rant of someone who thinks themself sinless. This is a love letter to all of you who are watching loved ones lost in addiction, alcoholism, crime, and mistreatment of others. You love them in spite of their mistakes and their bad choices are killing you inside. I am right there with you.


Too Loud! Helping Kids Tolerate Loud Noises & Learn Volume Control #Sensory4All

Helping Kids Tolerate Loud Noises and Learn Volume ControlToo loud! Too loud, Mommy! This phrase is often heard in our home and accompanied by yelling, crying, and hands held over ears. The same child often loves to create a noise level much higher than the one that bothered him by yelling, banging, and testing the range of his voice. What I’ve learned recently is this behavior is linked to his auditory sensory needs, and I can help him adjust and get those needs met. If your child has behaviors you long to understand, I urge to join in during Sensory Awareness Month as the #ProjectSensory team of bloggers shares posts about Decoding Everyday Kid Behaviors. Every child has sensory needs, and you can help them meet those needs with simple solutions.



Preschool Fun: Have a Costume Dance Party with Curious George

halloween read and play pretend costume dance party
As a diehard bookworm, reading is a part of daily life. My kids share my love for books and we are always trying to find new ways to incorporate our favorite stories in to our play time. We recently found a fun book called “Curious George Goes to a Costume Party” at the library and have read it daily for the past few weeks. We decided to create our own costume party like George, and had a blast doing it. Read on to find out what we did and get lots of fun Halloween Read + Play ideas from other mamas in the Kid Blogger Network.
