Category: baby
Our Easy Cloth Diaper Laundry Routine
A Big Brother T-Shirt to Announce Our Pregnancy
I shot a few pics of The Bear in his t-shirt after I finished it, and sent them out to friends and family that live far away, with the caption, “The Bear has an announcement.”
It took some of our friends and family a bit to figure out they had to read the shirt to get the announcement.
Later we put the shirt back on The Bear to go see some of our friends at our regular Taco Thursday dinner. Such great reactions.
The Bear also wore his shirt to my Young Life “retirement” party to share the good news with all our YL friends.
Finally, I used the the pics to announce the pregnancy here on the blog.
To make the shirt, I used a plain navy blue shirt that was already a part of The Bear’s wardrobe. I have a collection of vintage felt and embroidery floss from and estate sale purchase years ago. I used orange felt and navy blue floss and an embroidery needle that was waaaaay too big to stitch the design. I fastened the felt into an embroidery hoop and stitched away after drawing the words with an disappearing ink pen. I used the hoop as a guide to cut out the circle, and then stitched the circle onto the shirt. Done.
I’m sharing this design over at Prudent Baby’s Embroidery Contest and at some other fun craft parties.
A Morning Sickness Cure – Seriously.
You can buy them off Amazon for $6-7, or at your local CVS for $11.
What morning sickness cures have you tried? What worked for you? What didn’t work?
The Bear has BIG News…
Family Travel: Hiking with a Toddler
Hiking is one of my favorite activities in the world. Jed and I have loved hiking together since we first started dating. Many of our first dates included exploring the mountains of western North Carolina together. We were excited to take The Bear hiking for the first time during our trip out west. He LOVES being outside, so we thought he would really enjoy it. We were so right. We took many hikes with him this summer and while we did some things right, we made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot about hiking with toddlers.
5. Know exactly where you are going. Ah yes, our biggest mistake. We got lost. For a long time. With a one year old. Not good. We had a map but forgot it, and decided to keep on going. This was not a wise decision. Thankfully we finally ran into a family on four wheelers that pointed us back to civilization, but it could have gotten ugly. From here on out we will always have a map or a well marked trail to follow. Even if you are an experienced hiker, don’t take it for granted that you won’t get lost. It happens all the time. We’ve been hiking for years and it happened to us and was pretty scary.