Our Pearl Girl is already 3 months old, and I’m in shock. The last three months have passed in the blink of an eye and our Ellie has transitioned from newborn to baby before I was ready for it. She is such a joy and I love every minute of being her mama.
We didn’t go to the doctor this month, so our best guess for weight is about 13.5 pounds. She has moved into 3-6 month clothes and wears size 2 diapers when we use disposables. We’ve gotten into a good routine with her cloth diapers. She is still exclusively breastfed and our one attempt at pumping and bottle feeding was a big fail. She typically goes 3-4 hours in between nursing sessions during the day and does a 9 hour stretch at night from 10 pm to 7 am. Mama feels like a new woman. She takes two long naps every day as well as one shorter cap nap. She prefers the swing for her cat nap, but also loves to sleep when being worn by Mama or Daddy.
Her hair is still an auburn shade, and her eyes are bright blue just like Daddy’s. Somehow her tresses fall naturally into a mohawk. Little punk rocker.
The biggest surprise this month came when our sweet girl started rolling over from front to back. The Bear didn’t do this until he was 7 months old so we were totally shocked. She is smiling at us and reacts when we talk to her. We LOVE it. Her big brother loves to hug and kiss her, and especially likes going in to get her from naps.
We can’t wait to see who our precious girl is as her personality develops more each day. She is a delight and we are so in love.