Look at that chub. Don’t you just want to squeeze him? Our boy is growing so fast. At three months he is wearing 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes. He weighs over 15 pounds and had amazing rolls everywhere. He is cooing and making the sweetest noises when awake. He loves looking in the mirror and at pictures in books.
He is probably the only person in the world who appreciates my singing voice. Jed and I are both totally tone deaf, yet Fisher can’t get enough of our singing. He even smiles through diaper changes if we are singing. We are doing mostly cloth diapers at home now, and trying to transition to using them all the time.
Breastfeeding is finally going well, but know he won’t take a bottle of pumped milk. We are trying some different brands of bottles to see if that will help. Fisher can now sit up and hold his head up when assisted. He loves lifting his feet up and putting them together, and grabbing his hands together. Outside is his favorite place to be, even though we are still in triple digits.
He is on a pretty good 3-4 hour routine with a long 8-9 hour stretch of sleep at night. He is happy most of the time, except for when I haul him too many places or forget when naptime should start. I went back to work last week, and it has been a challenge working from home with him, but I love getting to be with him. He is the sweetest boy in the world and we fall more in love every day.
Oh my goodness, nothing beats a chunky baby! Love all his cute rolls!!
Oh my kids were little chunks too and it’s so adorable. So amazed by the amount of hair he has. Truly so cute! Congrats!