The two most common reactions I get when I share that I had an all natural birth with my daughter are, “Why would you choose NOT to have pain medicine?” and “That’s cool, but I could never do that.” As her birthday draws near, I’m reflecting on the choices I made surrounding her birth and the beautiful experience it was. I’ve only birthed two children, but because of the choices I made each time I’ve experienced both a very clinical, controlled, medicated birth and an all natural, no medication, no intervention birth. Spoiler alert: the all natural birth was by far my favorite for many reasons. Because of these experiences, today I’m sharing what all natural birth was like for me and why I preferred it to the medicated version. No two births are alike, and you have the right to choose what is best for your body and your baby. I’m just a mom sharing my experiences.
Tag: vbac
Trying for a VBAC: Our Birth Plan
Our second baby is due at the end of April, and we are hoping and trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean section). This is one of a series of posts about Trying for a VBAC. There are many reasons why we are heading this direction and I hope to share them with y’all over the next few months. You can read the Bear’s full birth story here to see what our first child’s birth entailed. If you read that story you will get a little glimpse into why we are now on this journey to VBAC and a normal birth. This process has been all consuming for me and this blog is my space to express the way I feel about the whole situation. Many folks have strong opinions about VBAC vs. repeat cesarean, and I hope that whatever your opinion might be you will respect mine. VBAC is not the right decision for every c-mama, and it doesn’t always work out no matter how you prepare. Our hope and prayer is that we can have the best birth possible for our little girl.
Because we are trying for a VBAC and lots of people have lots of questions about what that entails, we’ll be live tweeting as much as we can during the birth. You can read my other pregnancy 2.0 updates here, and read all my pregnancy posts here. *UPDATE* We successful had a VBAC with our daughter, and you can read our full birth story here.
This week I’m sharing our birth plan with you. We worked out the details with the help of our doula, Erica Sosa. She has attended many VBACs and has worked with our OB on a number of occasions. We know that every birth is different and things rarely go according to plan. We still think it is best to have a plan and to share that plan with our birth team so that everyone is on the same page.
– If some induction method is needed, I prefer to try these first: natural induction methods
– IF I request pain relief, I would appreciate some private time to think about which pain management technique or medication I would like to use.
– I would like to use a mirror when I am pushing and may touch my baby’s head when crowning.
– AFTER 2 hours has passed I DO consent to all routine newborn procedures such as weighing etc. I wish to waive the Hepatitis B vaccine.
What was/will be most important to you during the birthing process? How did you communicate your desires to your birth team?
Trying for a VBAC: Preparing