i had my fair share of bad boy crushes during my misspent youth. oh how i loved the bad boys. one of my top five bad boys has made it back into the spotlight. unless you’ve been hiding under a rock lately, you have seen bret michaels somewhere. he has been on celebrity apprentice, and searched for love on his own reality show (twice). he had some serious health problems and was rumored to have died, but is back on top and touring again. in honor of bret’s recovery i decided to create a little list of my top five bad boy crushes, along with then and now pictures and little update on each of them. if only i had those old big bopper magazines…
#5 – bret michaels
once a member of poison, he now tours solo and stars in the aforementioned reality shows. he was a really bad boy back in the day, but this latest health scare has forced to really clean up his act. he has even back together with his former love of 16 years (his baby mama). good for bret. i wish him the best. stay clean, darlin’. “every rose has it’s thorn” will remain one of the best power ballads of all time.
#4 – axl rose
oh axl, what happened to you? he used to rock a kilt like no one else and lead of one the greatest rock bands ever – guns-n-roses. he had a fallling out with all the other band members, and carries on with fake g-n-r replacements. let’s face it, it all went down hill after “use your illusion II”. lately he has been sporting these terrible cornrows (they just don’t look good on white people) and making bad decisions in public. get well, axl. get over yourself. i’ll go rock out to “sweet child ‘o mine” and remember the good times.
#3 – christian slaterheathers, anyone?
somehow i fell for his sociopathic bad boy character (j.d.) in heathers. he continues to act successfully in movies and on tv, and seems to be doing well. there have been rumors of drug abuse, hair transplants, and botox. by the looks of that forehead, i’m going to say the botox is not just a rumor. he still looks like trouble, but those eyebrows will serve him well as he ages. i might have to buy that heathers dvd…
#2 – kurt cobainmay he rest in peace.
kurt was the ill-fated lead singer of nirvana, the band that changed my life with “smells like teen spirit” back in middle school. he made cardigan sweaters look good, and turned the world on to grunge. i wore flannel for years. i remember where i was when i found out he had died. sitting in front of the tv in my parents’ living room, watching mtv. i cried and cried, feeling like i’d really lost a friend. he was wearing the same converse one stars that i owned when he died. it felt like a bond. theories still abound about whether it was suicide or if courtney got away with murder. we will never know. i see photos of frances bean (their child), and hope she knows how loved her father was. i hope she turns out ok. i need to listen to “come as you are” right now.
#1 – jared leto
better known as jordan catalano from “my so-called life” (the best tv show, ever). his tortured relationship with angela chase made me feel like i wasn’t alone in my teenage suffering. today he still acts and is in a popular band, 30 seconds to mars. i feel like he has gone a little off the fame weirdo deep end, but i hope he turns out ok. he still so pretty, even with that guyliner. i’m putting the my so-called life dvd set on my christmas list.
there they are, the top five bad boy crushes of my misspent youth. i hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane.
who was your favorite bad boy back in junior high or high school?
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Totally with you on the whole Axel Rose thing – he looked WAY better back in the day ;o)
Also, have to agree that I’m a Bret Michaels fan.
I would have to add Jon Bon Jovi to my list. Although, I’m not sure he qualifies as a “bad boy” – but he was definitely on the “crush” list. My 8th grade math teacher introduced him to my life. She had giant, life-sized posters of him on the wall in her classroom and would play his music (quietly) during class while we were working. She may actually be his biggest fan ever.
Heh heh, my junior high crush on Wil Wheaton from Star Trek- apparently, I only crushed on dorks! 🙂
oh bon jovi, how could i forget him?! such a bad boy, and still looking good.
wil wheaton was a total cutie as well. i wonder what happened to him?
oh hilarious! i had a major thing for jordan catalano. I still think of Jared Leto as him!! and i thought claire danes was so cool!
What is it about bad boys? I always loved them too! Jered Leto was a HUGE one for me, but I did also like Christian Slater.
This was a clever and fun list post (I found you on the SITS problogger challenge forum). I love the name of your blog. Sounds like you and I would get along great!
Definitely agree with #1. I think I still have a crush on him. 🙂 lovely blog.
Thank YOU for the eye candy!
I join the ranks demanding Bon Jovi gets added to the list. I remember weeping when I heard he got married – I must have been 10.
And why did Johnny Depp not qualify?
Enjoyed your comment on the dualing pig troughs, you will have to blog that. I would love to see it.
Okay, by bad boy was a preppy bad boy – Steph from “Pretty in Pink”. That white suit, that feathered hair – *swoon*. I still have a thing for James Spader to this day – teenage crushes never die!
This was a fun post – good luck w/ #31dbbb
What a great post. I totally had a huge crush on wil wheaton, matthew broderick from ferris buellers day off and corin nemic from the show parker lewis can’t lose. Preppy bad boys 🙂 Too cute. Thanks for the memories I think I will go watch Ferris Buellers day off right now.
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I used to have Leonardo DiCaprio posters…
Wow! I agree with the bon jovi lovers out there, still crush on him. I also had a thing for Eddie Van Halen.
Jordan Catalano!! Obsessed would be the right word- I was totally convinced that we were going to get married. We never did- but that’s okay, because I here he’s a d-bag. And my husband is way hotter.
found you via #31DBBB- when you figure out twitter, let me know. I’m also clueless.
Oh I love me some Jared Leto…rumor has it he used to have a mommy blog.
Does he even have kids?
Great list post! I need to get working on mine!! My Jr. High crush (remember this was in 1990) was Luke Perry and Joshua Jackson, Maybe Mark Paul Gossler too =)
wow … I haven’t heard “big bopper” referenced in years!!! I too LOVED Christian Slater, even at a young age that voice was just so darn sexy 🙂 I don’t know about being a bad boy, but when I was REALLy young, I loved Danny from New Kids on the Block! hahaha … I enjoyed your little blast from the past!
sarita – i loved the new kids, too. if there was a bad boy in the bunch, it was either danny or donnie. (who is on the new show “rizzoli and isles”, by the way.)
oldergirlbeauty – i’ve seen james spader somewhere lately. he still looks good. where was it? i can’t remember.
dear bon jovi and johnny depp – i apologize profusely for leaving you off my list. you will both always have a special place in my heart. love, becca