Today I’m bringing you a review and giveaway from The Operation Etsy Shop, run by cloth diapering WAHM Sara. She was kind enough to send me one of her Bunzuke AI2 diapers and Convertabunz insert/prefolds to review. We are obviously brand new to the world of cloth diapers, and are trying to figure out what kind of diaper fits our needs best. We have several gdiapers and big brand pocket diapers and AI2s, but this was my first WAHM diaper. I’m hooked. The quality and customer service are fabulous, and her selection of fabrics are fun and unique. She even has a dark denim diaper on her Etsy site right now. Wouldn’t you rather pay $12 for a denim diaper your baby can use from birth to potty training instead of buying those lame disposable “jean” diapers that just go in the trash? I would.
Please look at the belly on this kid. Isn’t he the cutest?
The Operation has a You Tube channel with tons of informational videos on cloth diapering in general and Sara’s diapers in particular. Here is one that explains the Convertabunz insert/prefolds.
From Sara:
I started making diapers for my daughter when she was 3 months old and became hooked! I still make each diaper as if I was making it just for her. The materials are prewashed and sewn using a size 9 ballpoint needle and polyester thread. Each snap is hand applied using a Kam snap press and tested for proper function. Every seam is checked and every loose thread snipped. I don’t sell a diaper that I wouldn’t buy myself! Bunzuke cloth diapers are designed to be used as a pocket diaper or all in two diaper. Here are some Bunzuke stats:
Style: Pocket (see photo) / AI2 ( 2 back snap sockets, 3” apart)
Size: One size fits most (8lbs-35lbs), snap down rise
Materials: Inner – polyester microchamois
Middle – PUL (waterproof polyurethane laminate),
Outer – cotton woven
Measurements: 10 ½” long rise on smallest snap setting
13” long relaxed
18” long fully stretched
~5 ½” at narrowest width
Prices: Bunzuke diaper shell (as listed) $12.00 and up
Bunzuke diaper with Convertabunz TM 1.0 Snapping Prefold and Insert $18.00 and up
(choose the $6.00 prefold/insert listing when purchasing a diaper)

Right now Fisher weighs 10 pounds 4 ounces, and the AI2 is fitting on the smallest setting. It fits snuggly, but doesn’t squeeze his chub. I use the Convertabunz as an insert, and it was so absorbent that no moisture touched the diaper itself and it could be used again. Jed was nervous the first time we used it, but now trusts in the power of the cloth diaper.
We have mainly used disposables and gdiapers up to this point, so I will use those for comparison. We are gradually making the switch to all cloth and learning as we go. The diaper fits better than the gdiaper and is more absorbent. It was easy to fit and the liner snaps in quickly.
Positives: No leaks, super cute design, supports a WAHM, high quality materials, comfy for baby, easy to use after you get used to them, dries quickly, fits well at 10 pounds, great customer service, great price
Negatives: can’t get it at the grocery store, bulky fluffy butt
The positives far out weigh the negatives, which are common to all cloth diapers.
The Operation has a ton of designs listed, most for $12, or $18 with an insert included. That is far cheaper than a lot of major cloth diaper brands. I’m excited to buy more diapers from The Operation at $18 that will last through the next several years and not contribute to landfill waste, instead of a box of ‘sposies for the same price that will last 4 days.
This boy wants to roll over so badly!
Sara is generously giving away a 50% off coupon to anything in her shop. That is up to a $15 value. Want to go shopping for some very affordable cloth diapers? It is easy to win. All you have to do is leave a comment for each entry.
Bonus Entries:
Leave a comment on her FB page saying that I sent you. (1)
Leave a comment or like your favorite diaper on FB and/or Etsy. (1 each)
Share this giveaway on FB and Twitter. (1 each)
Follow me through GFC, Twitter, FB, email, or RSS. (1)
Don’t forget to add your bonus entries if you posted the event button early.
This giveaway will end Sunday, July 17th at 11:59 pm. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. I received a cloth diaper to review but was not in any way compensated for this review. All opinions are my own.

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Will is growing out of three of his cloth diapers leaving us with only 6 BumGenius cloth diapers, not enough. I was looking for new ones but hadn’t thought of going the WAHM way. I really want to win this. I liked The Operation page.
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I hearted this skirt diaper! in love!
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i liked her red bandana dipe on her page!
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My favorite item is the Neon Green Bandana AI2/Pocket Diaper, I have liked it on Etsy (MLynn710)
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I like The Operation on FB @Sarah Reay Jayne.
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I left a comment on the baby blue snoopy dipe pic on The Operation’s FB page.
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I added the Sea Life AI2 to my favorites on Etsy @SRJayne.
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