Packing the hospital bag for baby’s birth can be a stressful undertaking, so I thought I’d share our checklist with y’all.   This is our second go round, and we learned a few things last time.  You can read some of my other pregnancy posts here.  We are also at a different hospital this time so what they provide will be a bit different.  The first thing any mama should do is get the list from your birthing center or hospital so you know what they will give you.  Be forewarned though that nothing is free at the hospital and you will be billed for pretty much everything.  My hospital does provide each mama with a birth ball for labor, which is handy since they are super awkward to tote around.  I’ve found that the trickiest part of packing the hospital bag is that my wardrobe is pretty limited at this point, so there are things I can’t pack til the last minute.  Our solution is to have a copy of our checklist on top of the suitcase so we can add those last minute items on our way out the door.  I’m a chronic overpacker so I have to try hard to keep it under control for this situation.

For Mama:
Comfy Clothes – lounge pants, nursing tanks, soft cardigans
Nursing Bras
Giant Cotton Undies (in case they don’t have the giant stretchy ones)
Hair Dryer (didn’t use it last time, but I’m an eternal optimist)
Bathrobe (institutional towels – enough said)
Warm Fuzzy Socks (hospitals are cold)
Loose Fitting Shoes (last time my right foot looked like the Elephant Man)
Clothes to Wear Home (don’t overthink it – all eyes are on the baby)
Phone + Charger
iPad + Charger
Camera + Charger + Lenses
Makeup (see the hair dryer explanation)
Ponytail Holders
Snacks (vending machines are expensive)
Boppy Nursing Pillow
Favorite Pillow (I’m a pillow snob.)
Cloth Nursing Pads (for chafing, not leaking)
Lanolin (see above)
Rice Socks (tube sock full of rice for heat/cold pack during labor & postpartum)
Tennis Ball Socks (tube sock with 2-3 tennis balls inside for massage during labor)

For Baby:
Going Home Outfit
Car Seat (installing it beforehand saves headaches)
Socks (are on our hospital’s check list)
Woombie Swaddler + Summer Infant SwaddlePod (so much easier than a hospital blanket)
Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blanket (mostly for the drive home)
Headbands (purely for the cute factor)
Hats (again, hospitals are cold)

For Daddy:
Hooded Sweatshirt or Comfy Jacket (he froze last time)
Warm Socks (see above)
3 Changes of Comfy Clothes
Snacks (he gets hangry if not fed often, a combination of hungry/angry at the world)
Drinks (to avoid vending machines)

What was/is your must have item for the hospital bag?  How far in advance did you pack?

Shopping for your hospital bag?  Check out the prices on some of our favorite items on Amazon:

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