Author: Becca Eby

Reading the Bible with Daddy

Fisher got the Jesus Storybook Bible from some dear friends, and we have been reading it to him from his first weeks. Jed and I are criers, so it is hard to make it through some of the passages without tears. It speaks to my heart, and I overflow with joy watching my two men reading it together.

My Postpartum Fashion Crisis

I am in the midst of a postpartum fashion crisis.  I’ve lost 2/3 of the baby weight, but as I was 20 lbs overweight when I got pregnant I still have a long way to go.  In the mean time I need some clothes that actually fit.  Maternity clothes hang off me like a tent, but pre-baby clothes are tight and ill-fitting.  I’m living in wardrobe limbo.  My body has changed a lot because of the pregnancy, c-section, and breastfeeding.  Holler if ya hear me, mamas.

I was watching Stacy and Clinton regulate on “What Not to Wear” and came to the realization that they would be horrified by my current wardrobe.  I am shocked at how quickly I fallen into bad mom clothes.  To add insult to injury, I haven’t had a hair cut in over a year.  Yikes.  Please send help.  I’m trying to see this as an opportunity to start over and buy classic pieces that will last.  Stacy and Clinton gave their pupil a list of basics, so I went to the TLC site to check it out.

The “What Not to Wear” Basics List

  • 1 cocktail dress
  • 4 day dresses – I have 3 summery ones, but nothing for fall.  
  • 1 walking short    I don’t wear shorts.  Yuck.
  • 6 blouses – bought a few cute nursing tops from Gap
  • 2 cardigans – just bought one, a lovely dark teal for fall
  • 1 denim jacket
  • 4-5 assorted camisoles
  • 1 trench coat
  • 2 blazers
  • 1 black peep toe heel
  • 1 red heel
  • 1 ballet flat – got it
  • 1 wedge – I had some rockin’ Toms wedges, but my feet seem to have grown during pregnancy.  Will the injustice never end?
  • 1 sandal – got it 
  • 5 bangles 
  • 5 earrings – got em
  • 5 necklaces – got em, but could use a few new ones
  • 1 clutch – got it
  • 1 everyday bag – got it

I would add a pair of dark, stretchy jeans, a pair of black pants, and a few a line skirts.  What are your fashion basics?  How did you deal with the postpartum body change?  How did you lose the baby weight?

Fisher at Three Months

 Look at that chub.  Don’t you just want to squeeze him?  Our boy is growing so fast.  At three months he is wearing 3-6 and 6-9 month clothes.  He weighs over 15 pounds and had amazing rolls everywhere.  He is cooing and making the sweetest noises when awake.  He loves looking in the mirror and at pictures in books.

 He is probably the only person in the world who appreciates my singing voice.  Jed and I are both totally tone deaf, yet Fisher can’t get enough of our singing.  He even smiles through diaper changes if we are singing.  We are doing mostly cloth diapers at home now, and trying to transition to using them all the time.

  Breastfeeding is finally going well, but know he won’t take a bottle of pumped milk.  We are trying some different brands of bottles to see if that will help.  Fisher can now sit up and hold his head up when assisted.  He loves lifting his feet up and putting them together, and grabbing his hands together.  Outside is his favorite place to be, even though we are still in triple digits.

   He is on a pretty good 3-4 hour routine with a long 8-9 hour stretch of sleep at night.  He is happy most of the time, except for when I haul him too many places or forget when naptime should start.  I went back to work last week, and it has been a challenge working from home with him, but I love getting to be with him.  He is the sweetest boy in the world and we fall more in love every day.

Beach Therapy

I miss the beach.
I have been amazingly blessed in this life in so many ways, not the least of which is an almost annual trip to the beach.  The ocean waves and sand in between my toes are like therapy for me.  Summer has come to an end, as it always does, and the craziness of our fall schedule is back in full force.  Jed and I are both back at work after 12 weeks of hanging out with our sweet baby.  After 2 days back I am overwhelmed with my to-do list and our harried existence.  I want to slow down and enjoy each day, but the pace of life here in Dallas doesn’t allow it.  I need another dose of beach therapy.  
Do you have any tips for slowing down and simplifying? 
Share them in the comments so I can use them for a future post on the subject.      

On Swaddling

We are in love with swaddling at our house.  Sometimes it works better than others, as may be observed in the photo above.  That was taken as a nap came abruptly to an end after a total swaddle fail.  We have used swaddle blankets in flannel, cotton, and muslin, swaddle wraps like the one above, and a zip up thing called the woombie.  The others worked well at first, but our boy is so big now (around 15 pounds) that he can beast his way out of any blanket.  One of the staff at The Nappy Shoppe, our local cloth diaper store, suggested the zippered number, and we really like it.  He can move his hands around and even suck on them through the cloth, but he doesn’t hit himself in the face.  We know his swaddling days are numbered as he gets more mobile, but we are enjoying them while they last.  My mama thought it was mean at first when she saw my bro and sister-in-law swaddling our niece.  She even referred to it as the “baby straight jacket”.  Then she saw how much Caroline loved it and started calling it the more friendly “baby burrito”.  
Do you/did you swaddle your kiddos?
How long?  When did you stop?
How was the transition?
Do you have a favorite swaddling apparatus?

Verse of the Week – Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9
The Lord gave Joshua these instructions as he took over the leadership of the Israelites after the death of Moses.  He gave me this verse this week as I prepare to go back to work tomorrow.  I have struggled with fear and anxiety over returning to work all summer long.  If you had asked me 5 years ago if I would ever want to be a stay at home mom, I would have looked at you like you were crazy and said “No possible way.”  The Lord has changed my heart almost entirely, but I am committed to my job for one more year.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my job most of the time.  The Lord called me to ministry with teenagers through Young Life 11 years ago and has molded me into a minister of the Gospel.  We are paying for Jed’s masters, so I need to work full time right now.  My job is such that normal day care hours aren’t a huge help because I often work weekends and evenings.  After discussing it with several other YL staff women who have children, we have decided to use a Mother’s Day Out program at a church near our house 2 days a week and I’ve moved my office to my home.  This is a HUGE change for me and I am so scared that I will be inadequate at both my job and mothering because I’ll be stretched too thin.  The Lord gave me this verse on Thursday and it has been an encouragement.  He has me in this place in life, in this job, in this city.  He has blessed me with this child and the opportunity to work while mothering.  He has provided for us miraculously time after time.  He will walk beside me and comfort my fears if I release them.  As I go back to work tomorrow, I will be strong and courageous, for He is with me.  

Birds In Flight Nursery Mobile with Tutorial

Just before Fisher was born, I completed a whimsical bird mobile to hang above his changing table.  I thought he was coming early, so I had everything done for work and needed a project.  My mama was in town and volunteered to help me.  It was really fun crafting with her and chatting about the impending arrival.  Birds are hot right now for whatever reason, and I’ve seen some amazing bird mobiles on the web and especially on Etsy.  I wanted something that really fit with the colors of the nursery and would fascinate my babe during diaper changes.  

At Michael’s and Hobby Lobby I picked out fun scrap book paper with lots of bright colors.  I created a bird template that would look good from the bottom and the side.  We traced the template onto each sheet of paper.  My mom discovered that we could fold each sheet of paper and cut four birds at a time.

Here is the template.  Note the accordion fold on the scrap book paper above.

We ended up with lots of birds.  In order to make them stiff enough for flight but still flexible enough for great movement, we employed my old stand by, Mod Podge.

We paired up each bird and spread the backs with Mod Podge, using foam brushes.  We then stuck the 2 sides together and set them aside to dry.

After they dried we trimmed off any excess paper and poked 1 hole in each wing with an embroidery needle.

We cut varying lengths of fishing line and threaded them through the holes in each wing, creating a loop to hang each bird.  I would suggest using a very light line.  Ours was thick and it made things challenging.

I found a branch that seemed perfect about a month before and let it dry inside our house.  We covered it with polyurethane and trimmed off the unsightly bits.  We hung it from the ceiling using ceiling hangers and more fishing line.

We then draped each loop around a branch until the birds hung in a desired formation.

Here is the finished product.  I ordered a bright orange changing pad cover from Etsy and it looks even better with the mobile.

Fisher is starting to notice the birds as I gently tap the mobile before diaper changes.  It distracts him enough to keep him entertained which helps me to get the job done.

Check out his view from below.  

So fun, right?  

How do you keep a baby happy during diaper changes?
I’m sharing this project at some great link parties.  Check them out on my right sidebar.  

Verse of the Week – James 1:5

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”  James 1:5
Since giving birth to Fisher, I have realized more than ever that I desperately need the Lord to give me wisdom.  Parenting has been the most humbling, dependency-on-the-Lord-driving experience of my life.  I know it will continue to be so and am so thankful that the Lord is in this with us and will not leave us to fend for ourselves.  

The Big Latch On

Fisher and I participated in The Big Latch On, a worldwide effort to support breastfeeding in public. Our local group gathered at the Galleria mall and the local news came out to film us.  Fisher and I made the video, just briefly.  I didn’t realize they were recording me talking, but I’m excited to be a part of it.

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