For folks who knew me back in my wild and crazy shopaholic days, the fact that I live my life debt free with no credit cards and write about frugal living probably comes as a shock. It’s the real deal though, y’all. My life changed completely when I came to the realization that if I kept digging holes for myself I would never have the life I wanted. I was never a saver and always lost at Monopoly because I just had to have those hotels. Now we live by the Dave Ramsey code of conduct and have a 6 month emergency fund. Crazy! You can read about our financial story here, and I’m sharing some of my favorite frugal living posts from the last three years with you below in celebration of my three year blogging anniversary.
We use cash instead of credit cards.
It will cut your grocery bill in half, seriously.
For real!
This explains how we budget our monthly spending money.
Are you debt free? If so, how did you get there?
Share your best frugal living tip in the comments below.