Our boy is two! He is a ball of energy, nonstop action, rough and tumble, wild and fun. We are convinced he is a toddler genius, obviously.
The Bear’s Stats at Two Years Old:
34 pounds 6 oounces
95th percentile for weight
70th percentile for height
20 inch head
90th percentile for head size
He loves trucks, tractors, trains, horses, and dogs. He calls horses “nay nays”.
He loves for Mama or Daddy to read to him.
His favorite books are Curious George & the 1st Day of School, The Little Blue Truck, Green Eggs and Ham, Brown Bear Brown Bear, and anything about trucks and tractors.
His favorite shows are Dinosaur Train, Curious George, Handy Manny, and Bob the Builder.
He loves playing with his older cousins, his friends, and is super sweet to his little sister. He loves having his favorite friends over to play as well as going over to their houses.
He can throw, kick, run, and jump with both feet. He loves to color and paint and stack blocks.
He recently moved into his big boy room and is learning to sleep in a regular bed.
He just started using the potty chair with limited success.
His favorite foods are bananas, peanut butter and honey sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, oranges, grapes, blueberries, and strawberries. He recently had his first popsicle and it was a big hit. He love to drink milk and mommy’s green smoothies.
He loves to swim wearing his puddlejumper. He is so brave and loves jumping off the side of the pool to Mama or Daddy, and loves it when Daddy throws him up in the air.
His giggles are pure joy and totally contagious.
He is stubborn and curious and hilarious.
He loves his Dede, Poppy, and Paw Paw, and all his aunts and uncles.
His favorite thing to do is help Daddy work around the house.
We are so proud of our big boy and love him more every day.