Sometimes you just need to get the kids out of the house, right?! With 2 little ones, cabin fever set in with this winter weather and our usual neighborhood walks and nature hikes become slightly less appealing. We have to get creative to get the kids out and doing something fun without the budget taking a hit. Here are five of our favorite free field trips for kids under 5 to give you some inspiration and get you out of the house. Bonus: If you are a blogger, link up your latest frugal post to the Fabulously Frugal Link Party at the bottom of this page. You can find more of our frugal living ideas here, and our fun for preschool kids here.
Tag: kids
Five Tips to Feel Better & Stay Sane When Your Family is Sick
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and DripDrop®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #DrinkDripDrop #DripDropHydrates
The winter sickness season is the worst. My family passed around one illness or another from the day after Christmas until the last week in January. *Fingers crossed* I’m praying we are done being sick, because I am OVER it. We’ve had colds, the stomach virus, pink eye, and a minor dose of the flu, as well as the never ending cough that sounds like my kids are tiny coal miners. You know the drill – one person starts showing symptoms and the roulette wheel spins to see who comes down with it next. I love my husband more than life itself, but when he gets sick it is way worse than the kids. I asked my mama friends for their best tips, and added my best advice to help you battle the crud. After the month long war on illness we’ve waged, I’m sharing five tips to help you and your family feel better and help you stay sane when your family is sick.
Four Easy Ways to Entertain Kids with a Cardboard Box
It is a parenting truth almost universally acknowledged that kids prefer empty boxes to almost any toy. All those expensive and beautifully designed toys we so lovingly picked out for our children have all been tossed to the wayside in favor of a giant empty box that once held our new toilet. We are revamping our bathroom, and after installing the toilet Christmas came all over again for my kids. They have been playing with the large empty box for DAYS. This is nothing out of the ordinary at our house. Any time a package arrives, the Bear asks if he can have the box. Use their interest to your advantage and try these four easy ways to entertain kids with a cardboard box.
10 Valentine’s Day Play Ideas for Preschool Kids
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, our home preschool time has turned to all things love and hearts. I’ve gathered 20 fabulous ideas for Valentine’s Day play to try with your preschooler. Most of these are easy to do and don’t take a ton of prep. Pick a few and create some holiday themed fun with your little ones.
Making Mini Popcorn Lollipops and Pillow Forts for Pop Secret Family Fun
This post is sponsored by Pop Secret. All opinions are my own.
One of our favorite afternoon rituals when the weather is yucky is to pop a bag of popcorn and curl up to read or watch a movie together after the kids wake up from their nap. Often this sweet time includes a little pillow fort building. This week we decided to take our snacking to the next level by creating the cutest little popcorn lollipops. The recipe is super easy and a fun way to get your kids involved in the kitchen. Be sure to jump over here to grab a $1 off coupon from Pop Secret.
Read & Play: Read “The Biggest Valentine Ever” and Create a Giant Valentine
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we read “The Biggest Valentine Ever” this week and worked together to create a giant Valentine, just like in the book. The idea behind our Read and Play series is to take a fun book for kids and encourage further learning through play. Check out our past Read & Play ideas here and find great Valentine’s Day Read & Play activities from other Kid Blogger Network bloggers here. Read on to find out how we used the ideas from the book for a fun and easy art activity with my toddler and preschooler.
Top Ten Preschool Activities for Valentine’s Day
We love to celebrate holidays at our house, and having a curious preschooler makes it even more fun. Today I’m sharing the top ten preschool activities for Valentine’s Day I’ve found to help you celebrate love with your little ones. They are all super easy and give your kids room for creativity. Read on to find fun ideas to use at home with your preschooler.
Active Indoor Play: Mini Trampoline and Jumping Activities
Stuck inside with kids who desperately need to burn off energy? Yep, me too. We saw the long, cold winter ahead and bought our kids a mini trampoline for Christmas. It was the Bear’s big present and it has been a LIFESAVER. We were at my parents’ house for the holidays with 5 kids 5 and under, and we got our money’s worth that first week. The trampoline is super fun and helps the kids to be active indoors. The only issue we’ve run in to is that sometimes just plain jumping gets a little old. I’ve compiled a great list of fun activities to do on a mini trampoline (or on the ground if you don’t have one). Our mini trampoline has a support bar, which I’ve found is really helpful for kids under 5. If you want one for your kids, find great deals on mini trampolines here.
Preschool Resources about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Civil Rights
How do you talk to preschool kids about the Civil Rights movement and the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr? Subjects like civil rights can be hard to cover with small children because you want to maintain their innocence and not talk about things that are too hard for them to understand, but still answer their questions and speak truth. It is important for kids to hear about standing up for what is right and American heroes like Dr. King. I’ve compiled a great list of preschool resources about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and civil rights to help you.
The Best Kid Activities of 2014 ~ Crafts, Education, & Parenting
With the new year fresh and full of possibility, I like to take a minute to reflect on the one just ended. This little blog has grown like crazy and I am constantly blown away by how many of you visit, read, share, and pin. I am so thankful for each one of you and for the way your support enables me to be home with my kids and have this creative outlet. Thank you. I am also so thankful to be part of a fabulous network of kid bloggers – moms, dads, grandparents, and education professionals – who partner to make each of blogs better together. We’ve joined forces once again to share the very best of our work from 2014. Each blogger has added their BEST post from the past year in one of the three categories below – crafts, education, and parenting.