Peace. It can be so elusive. So fleeting. So longed for. I’ve found it can only come for me when I’m connected with Jesus and spending time with Him. Lately I’ve given in much more to the toxic draw of worry. It is so much easier to worry, to hold on, to attempt control. Letting it go in to the hands of my Lord is so hard. There are a million things to be worried about, to control, refuse to let go. Jed is a teacher and we live mostly on his income. I work part time for Young Life and part time on this blog, but our main source is a teacher’s paycheck. Our state legislature recently made changes to the graduation requirements for Texas students that effectively drop my husband’s subject (World Geography) from the curriculum. It is a short sighted piece of legislation created to increase graduation rates by requiring less academic courses. It also puts him at major risk for losing his job, as well as hundreds of other social studies teachers. Dropping an entire subject means teachers will be let go from social studies departments around the state and will be unlikely to find jobs in other departments because they have also dropped the subject. We won’t know an answer until March or April and there is NOTHING we can do about it. Except pray. And trust that God has us in His hands. He brought Jed to his job in a very clear and real way, so we have to trust that if He wants him to stay there, there he will stay. This is hard. I want a plan, a solution, a way to fix it. There is none. No plan except dependence on my Savior who loves me, loves my family, and has a plan for us. So we pray and we ask for peace. Life to the full in Jesus means a life of peace, unburdened by worry. This, my friends, is the life I want. A life of peace.
Read more of the Life to the Full series here.
Aw wow, that’s definitely a little scary. I’ll be praying for you both! Sometimes it’s hard to have peace (and not worry) but God will provide!
I’m so sorry to hear about that. It’s a shame that the legislation didn’t think about all of the issues regarding this. Not just for the kids but also the teachers. I pray that your husband is able to stay at his school.
I think trusting Him and not spending your days in the throws of worry is a great way to deal with this.