Do you want to build a snowman Three Fun Indoor Snowman Activities for Preschoolers Living in Texas, we rarely get enough real snow to build a snowman. Rather than miss out on all the frosty fun I set up some simple preschool snowman activities for my kids. The supplies and instructions are easy and we had so much fun. 

building a snowman with marshmallows#1 Build a Marshmallow Snowman – You’ll need big marshmallows, raisins, pretzels, and a few mini marshmallows. Feel free to add additional decorating options. Set your child up with all the ingredients on a plate and let them have at it. Back away and try not to direct. Tell them if they build an awesome snowman they get to eat it.

building a marshmallow snowman with pretzel armsYou can demonstrate and build your own, but give them the freedom to explore and experiment as they balance the marshmallows, poke in the pretzel arms, add eyes and feet, and whatever else makes them happy. This activity involves fine motor skill practice, imagination, creativity, and of course snacking. The raisin eyes are just a tad bit creepy though.

building a marshmallow snowman with raisin eyes

making cottonball snowmen

#2 Build a Cottonball Snowman – An oldie but a goodie, this little project was a big hit with my small people and our sweet friend on a play date. I set up a shallow bowl of white glue on the table, then gave each child a large piece of paper, and a bunch of cottonballs. I showed them how to dip the cottonball in the glue and then stick it on their paper. Then I asked them to create their own snowman. I didn’t force or push or try to help it be perfect. I let them create and the results were really fun.

build a cottonball snowman

Each of the three snowmen were completely different and unique. They were all so proud of their creations, and I was proud of myself for stepping back and releasing control. They got to build a snowman the way they wanted to, and they loved it. To learn more about creating authentic art with kids and WHY it is important, read this fabulous post by Debbie Clement.

toddler building a cottonball snowman

#3 Build a Yogurt Snowman –  We made this little melted Olaf snack last year and it was a big hit. I used vanilla greek yogurt to make a basic snowman shape on a plate and then let the Bear decorate it with grape stems, blueberries, a carrot, dried fruit, and mini marshmallows. It makes a great dip for fruit or cookies. For an messier project you can have kids form the snowman themselves from the yogurt. Greek yogurt is a little thicker and works better than other yogurt,      #FROZENFun-#shop-#cbias-dipping-olaf  Read more about making a yogurt snowman in my Melted Olaf Dip post here and get other ideas inspired by Frozen. #FROZENFun-#shop-#cbias-melted-olaf-dip-recipe


What are your favorite indoor winter activities for preschoolers? Be sure to hop over to Preschool Powol Packets to find tons of other great ideas for preschool winter fun.  Click here to read more of our preschool ideas.

Do you want to build a snowman Three Fun Indoor Snowman Activities for Preschoolers & Toddlers

preschool winter fun 2014

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