Tag: home preschool

Learn with Play ~ Get 150+ Ideas for Year Round Fun and Learning for Kids of All Ages

KBN coverY’all, I could not be more excited. One of my lifelong dreams has come true – to be published in a book! I collaborated with an amazing group of bloggers from the Kid Blogger Network to bring you the new Learn with Play book, available now as an ebook, Kindle, or paperback. In this book you will find fresh ideas with clear instructions for activities, crafts, and so much more for kids of all ages. The book is easy to use and will help your kids to learn through play. The book makes a great gift for parents and educators, and I couldn’t be prouder of this project.


Preschool Name Recognition and Writing Practice with Sidewalk Chalk

Name Recognition and Writing Practice with Sidewalk ChalkWe work on lots of preschool skills at home with our kids, all while having fun. Our almost four year old loves to learn through play, so I try to make our home preschool activities an exciting adventure rather than boring and stiff. We’ve worked on pre-writing skills all year and it has been really fun to see his handwriting skills develop. Lately we’ve been doing preschool name recognition activities to tie in with the writing practice so that soon he will be able to write his own name. We love to play with sidewalk chalk outside, so I combined the skills practice with play to help him learn to recognize his name and practice writing it.


A Preschool Water Experiment to Teach about Moses and the Red Sea Using the Jesus Storybook Bible

God Makes a Way Moses and the Red Sea - A Preschool Water Experiment to Teach the Power of God through the Jesus Storybook BibleThis week we read the Jesus Storybook Bible version of Moses parting the Red Sea during our home preschool, and got the kids involved in a little water experiment to help bring the story to life. Our Moses and the Red Sea preschool activity is part of the Jesus Storybook Bible Activity Series. Kid Blogger Network writers are sharing a different interactive activity to go with each story and you can find them all here.


Top Ten Leprechaun Approved Preschool Activities for St. Patrick’s Day

Ten Leprechaun Approved Preschool Activities for St. Patrick's DayWhile we don’t make a huge deal out of St. Patrick’s Day at our house, I still love incorporating the holiday in to our daily preschool fun with the kids. I’ve gathered ten of the best preschool activities for St. Patrick’s Day so you can celebrate the wearing o’ the green with your little ones in style. Be sure to check out the rest of the Top Ten Rainbow and St. Patrick’s Day Learning Themed Posts from the Kid Blogger Network at the bottom of this post.


Preschool Fun: Painting and Lacing Hearts

Preschool Valentine's Day Fun Painting and Lacing HeartsToday I’m sharing a fun activity that pairs art, creative play, and fine motor skill practice for your preschooler. We painted cardstock hearts and then practiced lacing with yarn. The kids had a blast and were so proud of their finished hearts. Be sure to check out all the other Creative Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids from my friends in the Kid Blogger Network at the bottom of this post.


Make a Heart Garland with your Child to Practice Patterns & Stringing

Make a Heart Garland with your Child to Practice Patterns and Stringing for home preschoolWe’re practicing patterns right now in our home preschool, so I thought it would be fun to bring that practice in to practical use making a Valentine’s Day heart garland with the Bear. I found these felt hearts a few years ago on sale at Target, but your could easily make your own or grab felt hearts off Amazon and punch holes in them. We used red baker’s twine to string our garland, and the Bear also got great fine motor skill practice stringing and arranging his hearts.


Active Indoor Play: Dance Through the Alphabet

Easy Ideas for Active Indoor Play - Dance through the AlphabetThe weather outside is frightful, and the indoors might not be so delightful if your kids are filled with pent up energy. My little ones are VERY active and when they don’t get to play outside we have to get creative. I’ve shared before about our dance parties and indoor obstacle courses. Today I’m sharing a new idea we tried this week as part of the Gross Motor Activities from A to Z Series with Still Playing School – lots of great ideas for active indoor play.  We’ve been working on the alphabet as part of our home preschool, and the Bear can now identify all of his letters. To practice them while getting some exercise we had an alphabet dance party. With the whole body involved, simple silly dancing becomes a gross motor skill development tool. It was silly, fun, and both kids really got in to it. Best of all you don’t need anything except a little creativity and music. Bonus: Enter to win a Parachute Pack to take active play to the next level. (more…)

The Best Kid Activities of 2014 ~ Crafts, Education, & Parenting

With the new year fresh and full of possibility, I like to take a minute to reflect on the one just ended. This little blog has grown like crazy and I am constantly blown away by how many of you visit, read, share, and pin. I am so thankful for each one of you and for the way your support enables me to be home with my kids and have this creative outlet. Thank you. I am also so thankful to be part of a fabulous network of kid bloggers – moms, dads, grandparents, and education professionals – who partner to make each of blogs better together. We’ve joined forces once again to share the very best of our work from 2014. Each blogger has added their BEST post from the past year in one of the three categories below – crafts, education, and parenting.
