Most of have at least one, that teacher we remember who cared about us, challenged us, brought out the best in us, that made a difference. I was lucky enough to have many such educators in my school years, and today I’m joining a group of bloggers to take the time to say thank you. I has been 18 years since I graduated from high school, and yet the memories of my school years are still vivid. Good times and bad, my worst moments as well as a few great ones, the school years shape us and give us a foundation for the future. During this Teacher Appreciation Week, take a minute to thank a teacher. Thank one who made a difference in your life or the life of your child. Teachers work hard and get paid little to mold young minds, and the demands on them increase year after year. I want to thank the teachers who made a difference in my life.
Dear Mr. Brant, Dr. Meadows, Mr. Burton, Mrs. Pittinger, Ms. Filipek, Senora Short (my high school Spanish teacher & also my mom), Mr. Fussell, Mrs. Madison, Mrs. McKinnon, and all of the rest whose names have been erased by the years in between but whose impact remains,
Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to care about me as a student and a person. Thank you for challenging me, pushing me, believing I could do more. Thank you for dedicating hours of your time to lesson plans and clubs and sports teams for our school so that I could have a well rounded education. Thank you for helping me to fall in love with learning, with reading, with science, with literature, with history. Thank you for introducing me to more of the world around me and expanding my horizons. Thank you for the field trips, the experiments, the experiences, and the knowledge.
The gifts you’ve given me remain with me through the years. Ms. Filipek introduced me to the theater and made learning so much fun. Mrs. Pittinger gave me a love of dinosaurs and creative writing. Mr. Fussell helped me discover my love for European history and turned a subject I’d found boring previously in to my future college major. Mr. Burton taught me that learning is comprehensive and dissection is AMAZING. Dr. Meadows challenged me and taught me more outside the classroom than in through Explorer Post camp outs (including the awesomeness of REAL cherry limeades). Mrs. Madison brought literature to life for me and helped me to see myself as a leader. Mrs. McKinnon believed in me, encouraged my writing, taught me how to get rid of stress headaches, and introduced me to one of my greatest loves – Jane Austen. Senora Short pushed me to excel at home and at school, helped me to fall in love with the Spanish language, art, and cultures, and the importance of correct pronunciation. Mr. Brant gave me a place to belong in his classroom and through his dedication to Explorer Post 8 he gave me some of my favorite high school memories. For all of these gifts, I am forever grateful. Your years of service helped make me the person I am today.

Who are the teachers who made a difference in your life? Have you ever thanked them? What gifts did they give you? Be sure to hop through the list below to read the thank you gifts from other bloggers to their favorite teachers.
Thank You, Madame Obadia by No Time For Flash Cards
Thank You, Miss Swett by Carrots Are Orange
Thank You, Mr.Blanchard by Not Just Cute
Thank You Mrs.Goetz by Thriving Stem
Thank You, Mrs.Ulrich by JDaniel 4’s Mom
Thank You, Ms.Austin by MultitaskingMaven
Thank You, Mr.Spencer by Education To The Core
Thank You, Mrs.Anderson by Mac-N-Taters
Thank You, Mrs.O’Neill by Encourage Play
Thank You, Mrs.Fox by Simply Kinder
Thank You, Third Grade Team by The Educators Spin On It
Thank You, Mrs.Johnson by Mrs.Jones Creation Station
Thank You, Mrs. Ratto by Sparkling Buds
Thank You, Mrs.Powell by elemenopkids
Thank You, Ms.Barry by Inspiration Laboratories
Thank You, Mr.Rouland by Clever Classroom
Great picture if the gifts individual teachers gave you!