I often think of the befores and afters of my life, how I came to be who I am today and how I evolved from the person I once was. Transformations happen naturally as we grow and mature, and sometimes abruptly through traumatic events or drastic changes. Reflecting on milestones is big part of the human existence. We think about our graduations, weddings, job changes, deaths of loved ones, births of children. I’ve experienced a lot in my almost 36 years, but the biggest transformation of my life has come from motherhood. I am a very different person today than I was five years ago, and the two sweet babies who made me a mama are the reason.
Some of the changes motherhood has brought to my life are precious and sweet. I love that my mornings now start with snuggles and small people want to be with me every second of the day. I love that I care more now about the world and the people in it, because they are all someone’s children. I have a better grasp on God’s love for me because of the love He has given me for my children. I also understand my mama better now, and pray my children don’t treat me the way I did her as a teenager. She has taught me so much about how to be a good mom, and I’m so thankful for her.
I miss a few things about my life before kids – sleeping in, date nights any time, drinking coffee while it is still hot while enjoying quiet time alone, the ability to shower any time I want. I miss my pre-mom body. I didn’t appreciate it and even hated it when I had it, but oh how awesome it seems now. So much of the girl I used to be is gone, but in her place is a woman who is learning more about what it means to love with her whole heart every day. I’m thankful for every change these little ones brought and will continue to bring in to our lives, because they are the greatest Mother’s Day gift I could ever receive.
I can so clearly remember seeing the positive result on a Clearblue pregnancy test and thinking, “From now on, everything will be different.” From the moment you found out you were pregnant or received your adoption placement or saw the face of the child you knew to be your own, everything changed. How has motherhood changed you?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.