We’re practicing patterns right now in our home preschool, so I thought it would be fun to bring that practice in to practical use making a Valentine’s Day heart garland with the Bear. I found these felt hearts a few years ago on sale at Target, but your could easily make your own or grab felt hearts off Amazon and punch holes in them. We used red baker’s twine to string our garland, and the Bear also got great fine motor skill practice stringing and arranging his hearts.
Category: preschool
Preschool Resources about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and Civil Rights
How do you talk to preschool kids about the Civil Rights movement and the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr? Subjects like civil rights can be hard to cover with small children because you want to maintain their innocence and not talk about things that are too hard for them to understand, but still answer their questions and speak truth. It is important for kids to hear about standing up for what is right and American heroes like Dr. King. I’ve compiled a great list of preschool resources about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and civil rights to help you.
Active Indoor Play: Dance Through the Alphabet
The weather outside is frightful, and the indoors might not be so delightful if your kids are filled with pent up energy. My little ones are VERY active and when they don’t get to play outside we have to get creative. I’ve shared before about our dance parties and indoor obstacle courses. Today I’m sharing a new idea we tried this week as part of the Gross Motor Activities from A to Z Series with Still Playing School – lots of great ideas for active indoor play. We’ve been working on the alphabet as part of our home preschool, and the Bear can now identify all of his letters. To practice them while getting some exercise we had an alphabet dance party. With the whole body involved, simple silly dancing becomes a gross motor skill development tool. It was silly, fun, and both kids really got in to it. Best of all you don’t need anything except a little creativity and music. Bonus: Enter to win a Parachute Pack to take active play to the next level. (more…)
Three Ways to Celebrate Epiphany with Preschool Kids
I’ve always loved the way Epiphany (the coming of the 3 kings/wise men) is celebrated in Spanish culture. Most Americans don’t make a big deal out of the January 6th holiday that is the traditional end of the 12 days of Christmas. I studied abroad in Spain in college and fell in love with the culture, and was *this close* to moving there in my mid 20s. I thought it would be fun this year to celebrate Epiphany with my kids and teach them about the holiday. This post is a part of the Christmas Around the World Series hosted by my friends over at Multicultural Kid Blogs. Visit the main page here and the Pinterest board here.
Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Three Fun {Indoor} Snowman Activities for Preschoolers
Living in Texas, we rarely get enough real snow to build a snowman. Rather than miss out on all the frosty fun I set up some simple preschool snowman activities for my kids. The supplies and instructions are easy and we had so much fun. (more…)
20+ Ideas for Preschool and Toddler Christmas Fun
The most wonderful time of the year is here and we are so ready to create special Christmas memories with our family. With a toddler and a preschooler in our house, the wonder and magic of the season is in full effect. I’ve spend time gathering the best ideas for preschool and toddler Christmas fun to share with you and your wee ones. Pick a few ideas and spread holiday cheer in your home. Don’t forget to enter to win one of 4 $500 CASH prizes we’re giving away at the bottom of this post to make your holiday extra special. If you’re looking for gift ideas for your favorite toddler, you’ll find our gift guide for 1-3 year olds here.
Top Ten Preschool Christmas Crafts
Christmas crafting can be fun and festive with preschool kids when you keep it simple and stress free. I’ve gathered ten fabulous preschool Christmas crafts for you to pick and choose your favorites to create with your kids this holiday season. Have a blast while encouraging your child’s creative side.
Preschool Fun: L is for Light Letter Activities & Free Printable
We are a few months in to our home preschool adventure, and loving our letter of the week learning. I’ve joined 30 other bloggers for 31 Days of ABC hosted by All Done Monkey, with daily alphabet learning activities for each letter and much more. Today I’m sharing fun activities for the letter L and the word Light. We had a blast creating a DIY lightbox and exploring the letter L.
Preschool Fun: Have a Costume Dance Party with Curious George
Preparing for Home Preschool: 10 Great Resources to Help You Get Started
We started preschool with the Bear at home this year, and though I was confident I could teach him I didn’t really know where to start. We want to create a family culture of life long learning, and want to save the money traditional preschool would cost. Thankfully I found some amazing resources for home preschool on some of my favorite blogs, and I’m sharing them with you today. You can read more about our plan for home preschool here, and some of our favorite ideas for pumpkin fun with preschool kids here. Read about how we paint with preschoolers and toddlers stress free here. You can teach your preschooler at home, you really can. Read on to find great resources to help you.