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Road Trip Tips: 5 Practical Uses for Wet-Nap on the Road with Kids #ShowUsYourMess #pmedia #ad

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Wet-Nap but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #showusyourmess


This has been a summer of travel for our family. We’ve been away from home for 46 days so far since May, with a few more still to go. Our kiddos seem to be perpetually sticky and crumb covered, so messes are the norm in our daily life at home and on the road. One of our secrets for keeping the mess to a minimum is bringing Wet-Nap on the road with us. Today I’m sharing a few ways we love to use Wet-Nap on the road so you can make your road trip with kids less messy. Did I mention I also have a $.55 off coupon? Bonus! Read on for details.



A Fresh Seafood Meal Plan for Your Family Beach Vacation #BareFeetontheBeach


After 30+ years of beach trips, our family knows what we love and we stick to it. We try maybe one new recipe each trip, but we love to make our favorites year after year. I’ve put together our traditional beach meal plan for you to use to gather ideas for your own family beach vacation. One of the best ways to save money while traveling is to cook rather than dine out. This meal plan will help you save money without missing out on the fresh seafood flavors that make beach trips so amazing. Be sure to pin this post so you can find it later for your family beach vacation.


Play Outside: Five Ideas for Playing Outdoors with a Baby

playingoutdoorswithbaby If you follow me on Instagram, you know we love to play outside. We spend as much time as possible playing in our yard, at the park, and exploring our world. My kids ask to go outside immediately after breakfast if not sooner, and they both recognize the sound of the door opening and come running. Playing with a baby outside can be a challenge because there are dangers to avoid and they can’t do what their toddler friends are doing. I’m sharing five ideas for playing outdoors with a baby, all of which are super easy and simple. You can read about our discovery garden ideas here. (more…)

Our Absolute Favorite Baby Products for the First Year of Life


After two babies we’re up to our elbows in baby gear at the Eby house. We tried so many great products (and a few that we didn’t love). Today I’m sharing my absolute favorite products for baby’s first year strictly based on what worked best for us. These may not end up being your favorites, but they were ours’ and we highly recommend them. Jed will chime in and share his thoughts on a few items as well. This post is not sponsored in any way, and all opinions are our own. It does contain affiliate links, and purchasing through those links costs you nothing but helps support the Bare Feet on the Dashboard blog and family. Our favorite cloth diaper products are not on this list, but you can read more about those here. You can read our ideas on saving money with a baby here.


Make a DIY Baby Book with a Handwritten Style Font with Free Printables {2nd Edition}

free printable DIY baby book with handwritten font

free printable DIY baby book with handwritten font

My sweet Pearl Girl is already one, and I just now finished her baby book. I am the Queen of Procrastination. I found a handwriting style font I love and recreated my DIY baby book I made for the Bear with the new font. You can find my original DIY Baby Book with free printables post here. I ordered an 8 1/2 x 11 scrapbook album off Amazon and printed the pages at home on colored 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock.  I am happy to share these free printables with you, for personal use only. See below for more information.


All I’ve Learned About Cloth Diapers {After Three Years}


After almost three years using cloth diapers on two children, I’ve learned a lot. We’ve tried 14 different kinds of cloth diapers and found our very favorites. You can read my post about what I learned the first two years here, and my great cloth diaper trials here. Read about our cloth laundry routine here. Our cloth diaper preferences and routines have evolved as we’ve adjusted to two kids, potty trained the Bear, and moved in to a new house. Today I’m sharing our favorite diapers, our simple laundry process, and my favorite things about cloth diapers.


Frugal Living: Our Top Five Tips for Saving Money with a Baby


We live debt free on a tight budget and don’t do debt or credit cards (thanks to Dave Ramsey‘s Total Money Makeover). When each of our two children came along, we knew there would be added expenses but did our best to minimize them. Jed and talked through our favorite frugal tips for saving money with a baby to share with you today. You could easily spend a fortune on baby gear and clothes, but you don’t have to. Having a baby will completely change your life, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. We are not experts, just a family thriving on one teacher income and living life to the full without spending a ton.


Happy Mother’s Day! {Free Printable}


Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mamas out there! I hope you feel blessed and loved today. I am thankful today and every day for my precious babies and am grateful for the gift they are in my life. I do not take the challenge and responsibility of motherhood lightly. The role of mother to these darling babes has been the greatest challenge and reward of my life.  Being at home with them full time is not something I ever thought I would want, but I can’t imagine life any other way. I’m thankful for and content in this place of joy, messes, frustration, and play, where the Lord has me right now. To each of you who are mothering a child through birth, adoption, foster care, or circumstance, thank you for the important role you play. I cannot imagine what my life would’ve been like without the love and care of my precious mother, my grandmothers, and the many women who stepped in to mentor me when I needed it.


Simple Ways to Bring Jesus in to Your Marriage


Marriage is the best, hardest, most challenging, and most fulfilling life relationship. My husband is an amazing man and his love is a blessing to me every day of my life. We’ve been married six years, so we are still total beginners in the grand scheme of things, but we’ve picked up a few habits that help keep our faith in Jesus in the center of our marriage that I’ll share with you today. Much like my post about Simple Ways to Bring Jesus in to Your Child’s Daily Routine, I’m not coming to you from a place of having anything figured out. I write this more as a fellow traveler on this journey of marriage who wants to share and encourage and protect marriages. Everyone wants their marriage to succeed, and I think that best happens when both partners are on the same page about faith, money, and family goals.


The Great Migration from Blogger to WordPress

For the last two weeks I’ve been hard at work switching this little site of mine from the blogger platform over to wordpress.  I’m making the switch tonight after agonizing over the transfer and the design details and a million little things.  If you subscribe by RSS or Bloglovin’, nothing will change for you but it may take a day or two for everything to show up on the new site.  I just want to give a heads up in case you visit and things look wonky.  My site address will not change, you will still find me here at  Thanks for your patience and support.

With this change comes a bit of a refocus of the ole blog.  I hope to bring more frugal living posts, and possibly a frugal living link party hosted with some other thrifty bloggers.  I will tell more of our own story of getting out of debt and living on one income.  As my life now is focused on raising my kids, I’ll more posts about kid activities and family entertainment.  I’ll share stories about our travels and DIY projects (some with tutorials from my handsome handyman husband), as well as my own crafts and creations.  Meal planning is a huge component of our food budget, so I’ll share more about that subject as well.  As always, my own faith is the backbone of everything I do, so I’ll continue to share my quest for Life to the Full in Jesus.  I hope you will continue to visit Bare Feet on the Dashboard as I make this transition.